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Gladstone Primary Academy

Dinner Menus

Our school meals are cooked fresh on site to provide a balanced diet, with vegetarian and Halal meals on the menu.  

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for a free school meal each day. Lunch options for these children are either a free school meal, home packed lunch or home dinners. 

We encourage all families who might qualify for free school meals to apply, as a significant part of the academy's funding is determined by the number of children having free school meals.

Are you eligible for free school meals? 

You may be eligible for free school meals if your family receive any of the following.

- Income support
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit (but not if you also receive Working Tax Credit)
- Guarantee Credit element of State Pension Credit
- Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Please ask the school office for a free school meals application form, or follow the link here:

Children may bring a packed lunch to school.  The lunch must include a balanced diet containing sandwiches, fruit, yogurt, etc. provided in a sandwich box.  Chocolates, sweets and fizzy drinks are not permitted.  Our school supports those children who have a nut allergy and we ask parents not to include nuts with packed lunches.

Dinner times are supervised by lunchtime supervisors who look after the children during these times.

Please see our menus below: 

 Spring Term : w/c 6 January, 27 January, 24 February, 17 March


 Spring Term : w/c 13 January, 2 February, 3 March, 24 March


   Spring Term : w/c 30 January, 10 February, 10 MarchCall to Action