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Gladstone Primary Academy

British Values

Gladstone Primary Academy (GPA) actively promotes the fundamental British values of democracy; the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. GPA aims for children to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to enable them to become responsible citizens who respect others’ beliefs and oppose prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.

British values are reflected in our ethos and in our  Gladstone Rules. The Ofsted visit of September 2016 and subsequent monitoring by both the IEB and LGB have found that children understand, articulate and follow the Gladstone Rules. Our ethos and rules are explored regularly in assemblies and class sessions.

The curriculum encourages children to work with each other and explore their views and ideas. An effective PHSE curriculum helps children stay safe, both in the real world and online. Religious Education is taught using the Peterborough SACRE agreed syllabus, allowing children the opportunity to learn about different faiths and beliefs. This is delivered through an enquiry based approach, encouraging children to ask questions and reflect upon what they have found out. Children have explored and debated different points of views while respecting the views of others.


GPA has a school council to ensure pupil voice, participation and an understanding of democracy.  The Academy councillors were chosen through democratic elections and this was related to the system of British democracy and government as part of whole school assemblies. The Academy held a full election with an electoral roll, hustings, a polling station, official ballot slips and returning officer to make the experience as close to voting in British local or general elections as possible. Recent assemblies have covered the general election and the democratic process.

GPA joins the nation for important occasions such as Armistice Day, with the Academy’s service led by the Thomas Deacon Academy Combined Cadet Force. The school has participated in national acts of remembrance for those who lost their lives in recent terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom. This has been used to explore and discuss British values within classes and assemblies.

GPA takes part in the Trust’s Carol Service, at Peterborough Cathedral, with the local community and partner primary schools.  


A wide range of enrichment activities and use of the local area to support learning helps children develop an understanding of belonging to the wider community. Gladstone has a Mini Cadet Force in Year 5. Cadets work with an Army Major to develop self-esteem, skills, values and attitudes that help promote British values.

The diverse nature of the school allows children to socialise and to develop a tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, supported through the ‘show respect’ aspect of the school’s rules.