Year 6
Welcome Year 6
We have added to this page activities for you to do at home, that will help develop your learning into new areas of understanding.
Don't forget, look at the Art, Health & PE, Music and Spanish pages for other exciting activities to do at home.
Please email your class teacher with any questions and to share some of your learning
Mr Tariq-
Mrs Mallott -
Mr Newton -
If you would like paper copies of the learning, a new writing book, reading record or pencil, please come to school on a Monday to collect them.
Come to the Year 3 entrance gate.
Year 6 between 1pm and 3pm.
Week beginning Monday 29th June 2020
Science- Forces
This week's Science topic is based around Forces. Look at the document attached and find out which experiments you can do at home to investigate the different types of forces.
Be sure to email your learning to us or safely drop it off at school.
Have a good week.
Mrs Mallott, Mr Newton and Mr Tariq