Year 2
Welcome to the Year 2 Remote Learning Page.
World Book Day Thursday 4th March 2021
On Thursday it is World Book Day. We have posted some favourite stories in the Story Time section of this page. We hope you enjoy them.
Why don't you read your favourite story to a member of the family, or maybe you could pretend to be your favourite story book character? In your learning pack is a sheet of paper asking you to design a front cover for a new book. We would love to see your ideas.
Come and say "Hello"
We really enjoyed seeing some of you on our zoom call on the 24th February 2021. It was so nice to see your faces, share a story and play a game.
Our next Year 2 Zoom call is on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 at 1.30pm. This week we are celebrating World Book Day so during our Zoom session on Wednesday we would like you to have your favourite book with you to share.
You will need to use the same log in details that were sent out to you before the holidays and is on the home learning packs. Please contact us if you have any problems with this.
Mr. Newton, Mr. Pearson and Mrs. Turner
We are so impressed with your learning.
Take a look at some of the amazing learning we have had returned to school last week. Well done to everybody working hard at home.
Don't forget to email your teachers with any photographs or messages about your learning. (Mrs. Turner) (Mr. Pearson) (Mr. Newton)
Accessing your learning
Remote Learning Videos - You can find videos of your teachers teaching by selecting the options in the blue box. Make sure you click on the teacher that you have for Power English/Steps or Power Maths.
We realise that if you access the Internet using a 4G device, watching the videos can quickly mean your data packages can be used up. There is support available for increased data packages by accessing this form Request for additional 4G data package.
Children can also access the Internet via a games console at home. If you need support to do this further details are available here Internet access on a games console.
Paper Packs - Each Monday, you can come into school to collect a home learning pack. This pack will support the videos that you can access on this website. The video below shows you how to safely collect your learning pack.
Year 2 families can come and collect learning packs each Monday between 12.00pm-3.00pm.
Take a look at this suggested timetable to help you with your home learning.
8.30am - Washed, dressed and breakfast
9.00am-10.00am - Power Steps with your Power Teacher
10.00am-10.30am Have a break, maybe play a game and eat a small snack
10.30am-11.30am - Power Maths with your Power Teacher
12.00pm - Lunchtime, maybe you could read your book whilst your lunch is being prepared
1.00pm-2.00pm - Curriculum Learning, this may be science, geography, PE or another subject that we learn in school.
In between learning times, have lots of fun playing and interacting as a family.